For some godforsaken reason, there are still several notable places in and around to which I haven’t yet been. How tragic…
- Barnard: This is probably my most atrocious crime. I’ve heard tales of Barnard’s gifts and abundances. I’ve gazed upon the beautifully lit Milstein library from across the street. Truly heartbreaking. Some day soon, Barnard. I promise.
- Hungarian Pastry Shop: The worst part about this one is that I’m genuinely unsure as to where it is. I’ve never seen it. Maybe I have and I just haven’t noticed. Either way, I hear they have a fantastic flourless chocolate cake that I would do anything to try.
- Dig Inn: There’s a very good reason for which I haven’t gone into Dig Inn yet. Whenever I pass by, I am bombarded with a repugnant parfum of vile, hot air blasted onto the sidewalk. You probably couldn’t pay me to go into Dig Inn after how it has treated my nostrils.
- 1020 or Mel’s or any bar for that matter: I am 13 years old and I don’t have a fake ID. I also generally hate warm areas with wet floors and inebriated youngsters. I promise I’m not a total square, I just don’t think of a frozen margarita when I think of fun.
- Northwest Corner Building: Whenever I walk by NoCo, I just assume it’s like an ~off limits~ building. I’m not sure why; that’s just the vibe I get. I think it’s a library? I really can’t tell. I probably wouldn’t go in by myself unless a brave comrade decided to go with me. Too many mysteries surround that building.
- Hamilton Deli: I’ve heard raving reviews about the sandwiches within. Trust me, I want to go to this famed deli. The problem is, I’m lazy. Also, my soul belongs to Columbia Dining and I don’t want to spend money on outside food. Until next year, Ms. Lewinsky.
- Nuss when they’re serving dumplings: I went in once like a half hour before they were serving dumplings, got bored, and left. I really wish I had stuck it out because I’ve seen internet photography of the grandeur of the dumplings served. Mmm…
Well there it is, folks. It’s been a few months at this school and I think I’ve gone to three, maybe four buildings in total. I think I deserve an award.
Voyager via Wikimedia Commons