This Bwogger has been watching too much “You” on Netflix.


I know your name, and I know you don’t know mine anymore. We were in the same study group for FroSci two semesters ago. It’s okay, I get it. You’re busy! Got a lot on your plate. Never mind that we sat in the same row of every lecture together that semester. (Literally – every lecture. Who does that?)

I was. (Not really, but didn’t that sound dramatic?)

I can see you trying to find a way out of this slow-moving car crash. A detour, something that’ll take you off my path. But we’re underground. There’s nothing here but empty platform, and the subway’s not coming for another… 10 minutes. (tEN MINUTES – the fuck?)

My phone, you think, and whip it out. That’s not going to help you now. Your VSCO is no match for my voicebox.

“Hey! Sam! What’s up?!”

And you look up, straight at me, with an even more pained expression than I could’ve hoped for.

“Oh, hey! I didn’t see you there!” How? There’s barely anyone else around. Save for the stationed police officers, of course – because that’s A Thing Now – who must know exactly how you feel. We all do. And I’m loving every second of it.

“Heh, yeah. How are you? How was your break?”

“Oh, it was-”

“Did you go back to Tidioute for the holiday?”

Tidioute, Pennsylvania. Population of less than 800. You tell people you live near Pittsburgh, but that’s only because you know no one’s gonna know where Tidioute is. How did they know? I see you thinking. Are they stalking me? No, you just have a bad memory – as we’ve already established. You mentioned it in what you thought was an offhand comment during the FroSci recitation. I didn’t forget. I bet you wish I had.

“Yeah, it was nice! Good people, good to see some old friends.”

“There IS a DOWNTOWN 1 train to SOUTH FERRY approaching the station. PLEASE STAND AWAY FROM THE PLATFORM EDGE.” A Hail Mary. You’re practically beaming at the prospect of being away from me.

“Hey, it was good seeing you – we gotta catch up sometime.” We won’t.

“Yeah, I’ll see you around!”

And that’s it. That’s the whole conversation. Not even a guess as to what my name could have been.

But we’ll meet again – I know it.

You know it.

And you’ll still wish you knew me.

Where it all happened via Pexels