Take a compatibility test to see if you and your potential roommate are a “perfect” match!
As housing approaches around the corner, we at Bwog understand it can be an extremely stressful time. It’s a time of asking ourselves, “Who is going to be my roommate?” “Where will I live?” “Will I finally get that single?” It’s a lot of figuring out to do – a lot of hoping for the best and expecting the worst. However, we at Bwog want to help!
Are you in a large group? Are you struggling to pair yourselves up into smaller groups? Have you all reached gridlock, not knowing how compatible you would be with each other? Have you looked at multiple roommate questionnaires and felt like they weren’t specific enough? Worry not! If you and your group are experiencing some ‘technical difficulties’, Bwog has come up with a few questions you can ask yourselves and your potential roommates. Answer the following questions and see how compatible you are with your group!
- Who is your first preferred roommate? List why.
- Who is your second preferred roommate? List why.
- What time do you usually sleep and wake up? (Please exclude the times when the Sun accidentally hits your eyes, as well as the typical hallway shenanigans.)
- Do you mind when your roommate goes to sleep?
- Yes
- No
- Maybe
- Other
- How clean are you, on average? (Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “I bathe with the pigs”, and 5 being “soap is my only ~true~ friend.”)
- How clean do you want your roommate to be? (Rate on the same scale of 1 to 5)
- What do you do on your free time?
- How social are you in your room? (facetimes, phone calls, people coming over, etc.)
- Which statement best describes you?
- I am a morning person and prefer to live with a morning person
- I am a morning person and can live with a night person
- I am a night person and prefer to live with a night person
- I am a night person and can live with a morning person
- I use my room mostly for…
- Studying
- Relaxing
- Hanging out with friends
- Quiet contemplation
- I plan on rarely using my space
- What study environment do you like?
- Very quiet
- Some noise
- Doesn’t matter about the noise
- How would you describe your personality type?
- What is the degree of nudity you have in your room? What clothes do you usually wear? Would you be okay with your roommate lounging in the same thing (more/less)?
- How much time do you spend in your room right now (excluding sleep)?
- How often do you get drunk in your room? Or smoke (cigarettes or weed)? Vape?
- Do you prefer to listen to music out loud or with headphones?
- How often do you want to talk to your roommate? (Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “now and then”, and 5 being “super best friend.”)
- Defend your need for a single. (Room, not relationship status.)
- Do you snore?
- Are you okay with sleeping with a noisy sleeper?
- If you had a problem with your roommate, how would you approach this?
- How well do you compromise? (Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “ the War Guilt Clause of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles”, and 5 being “Henry Clay could never.”)
- Window open or closed? What temperature do you like?
- As an unbiased third party, what would you decide the roommate pairing should be?
- If you had to pair two people and delegate the other two to singles, what would you suggest? (third person POV)
- Out of these questions, which are your top three?
- If you had to write a rooming contract, what would be your top three conditions?
- BONUS: How sexy are you?* (Rate on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “Human embodiment of the color ‘Soiled Yellow’”, and 10 being “Ryan Reynolds.”)
*Not that this should be a criterion, but…you know ;)
What Would Happen If You Don’t Take This Quiz via Vancouver Media COOP