Staff Writer Aditi Misra gets bullied a lot for her Tampa verbiage, so she asked the Bwog Staff to send in words or phrases they also thought were normal before coming to Columbia.
I say a lot of weird shit. I knew this about myself, but I didn’t realize the extent of it until I confessed to a fellow staffer I say “randie” instead of “rando”, who then said to me “I feel like I saw a side of you I wasn’t supposed to.” So, I took to the streets (aka Slack) to ask the Bwog Staff what they used to say in their hometowns that make no sense at Columbia.
synonymous with “ass”, meaning bad or of poor quality.
“That movie was buns.”
a random person; alternative to “rando” which is apparently what other people say instead.
“The party was filled with a bunch of randies.”
someone younger than you or beneath you; more often used as joking condescension than an actual insult.
“What’s up, jit?”
off the goop:
crazy or imcomprehensible.
“I’m off the goop right now.”
something wack, dumb, or shitty.
“You’re just now writing a paper due in 30 minutes? That’s some boof shit.”
when you mess something up beyond comprehension.
“I boofed on my exam.”
that bih fye:
adjective technically
enthusiastic phrase expressing how fire something is; more powerful than “that slaps” (see below.)
“That bih fye,” she said in reference to Kanye’s newest drop.
that slaps:
verb I guess? I am not Merriam Webster
when something is really good.
“Bonfire by Childish Gambino slaps.”
get juiced:
to get excited, hyped; something that spread from staffer’s high school cross country team to the rest of the school, usually accompanied by vigorous gesticulation.
“We’re gonna get juiced tonight.”
no school November:
what you call November since because of Election Day/Thanksgiving/other holidays, you have way less school than a normal month. a treasured part of staffer’s high school experience and thanks to Columbia fall break being so late, it continues even now.
“It’s finally no school November!”
alternatively, “vomitrocious”; disgusting, vile, maybe nauseating, repulsive.
“The midterm last week was vomitrocious.”
describes anyone or anything that is cute, nice, or literally squishy; accompanied by pinching the arm of the person you described as squishy. (You can do the pinch long distance, which is super helpful in a pandemic as a way to show love!)
“Aw you’re so squishy!”
bold minds:
staffer’s high school motto; used whenever anyone did something particularly foolish/something brilliant for a foolish cause.
“When the cafeteria ran out of plates my friend put her entire lunch in a small glass…bold minds.”
very gross, terrible, boring people; the word “nerd” said in a funky accent.
“I’m surrounded by nards.”
used to describe something you don’t like.
“That jacket is fuggo.”
1 Comment
@Anonymous I’m literally here because people say “buns” now