It’s a simple ask, really. Sorry not sorry, A names.
It’s not my fault the first letter of my last name starts with a letter that appears later in the arbitrary sequence known as the alphabet. I like my last name, don’t get me wrong. It reflects where my family has come from and who we are. But when professors enter grades based on last name, I am always towards the end of the group.
After my class yesterday, I opened my phone to see I had three GroupMe notifications. Someone in the group chat inquired about how many points the (extremely difficult) exam we had last week was out of. Someone else, with the same shock and panic that I felt, asked: “the grades are out??” Someone else responded casually that she had received her grade.
Fingers flying, I type my credentials into Courseworks. I go to the Grades tab of my class.
I press “View Feedback” to see if anything else was there.
My mind immediately goes there: did I fail this exam so horribly the professor didn’t even put in my grade?
I asked some friends whether their grades had been released, and they hadn’t. Upon further realization, everyone who received their grades had A-H last names, while the others had last names that fall later in this so-called alphabet.
I know that this is the most minor of minor issues, but still, I just have to ask. Please release grades all at once.
remember in-person exams? via Bwog Archives