If there wasn’t enough incentive to get the COVID-19 vaccine already, there certainly is now.
Happening in the World: Protesters marched in Mexico City on International Women’s day to demand that the Mexican government address the country’s problems with femicide, of which at least 939 women were victims of last year. The protests were met by batons, riot shields, and tear gas from the police. (BBC)
Happening in the US: The CDC announced new guidelines for vaccinated people, including the ability to gather indoors with other vaccinated individuals without social distancing or other protective measures. Though vaccinated people must still maintain caution in public spaces, the CDC is calling this the “first step” in returning to pre-COVID socialization. (NPR)
Happening in NYC: Four months after closing city public schools, the de Blasio administration announced yesterday that schools will be reopening starting March 22nd. The 17,000 school employees will be called back to work on March 18th and 19th, and the 55,000 high schoolers choosing to do in-person learning will attend class close to five days a week. (Gothamist)
Happening in the Columbia Community: The Center on Global Energy Policy is hosting a webinar this morning on de-carbonizing the iron and steel industries, which contribute to global warming as they rake in trillions of dollars every year. The event begins at 11 am and you can register here.
Poem: When this poem came up on my Twitter timeline I quite literally screamed after I finished reading it and then cried because I will never be able to write something so devastatingly tender. Here’s “Mayakovsky” by Frank O’Hara.
Immunity juice via Flickr