This one goes out to all the small baddies, hopeless procrastinators, and people who are ready to lose it!

Bwogline: NASA achieved the first powered flight on another planet with their Ingenuity helicopter, weighing only four pounds. The device hovered ten feet above the surface of Mars using large blades specifically designed for the thin Martian atmosphere. (NPR)

Study Tip: Swap papers or projects with friends to get some feedback! Not only will they give you extremely helpful insight but it will also re-energize you and remind you that what you’re working on is actually pretty cool. Also, you get to procrastinate on your own work while still being productive!

Music of the Day:Dumb Bitch Juice” by Alice Longyu Gao is the absolute perfect soundtrack for going feral because of and/or in spite of finals.

Procrastination Tip: Take a break between dinner and bedtime to grab a warm drink and head out into the night. Sit somewhere you can see the moon from and read “Flirtation” by Rita Dove.

Overseen/Overheard: Four teeny icons posing in pairs!

Another epic dachshund moment via Flickr