We were excited to take this class. We dropped said class. Here is a poem.


Of Work and Gender. We

Couldn’t wait for this course—the Jess and Talia duo, the raving professor reviews, the engaging syllabus and first class.

I even got the book from Book Culture already. But alas, we don’t think it will work.

Oh, Teresa Sharpe. We will

Love and miss you.

Oh, how we wish we could

Get to take this class with

You every fine Tuesday and Thursday.

Oh SOCIUN3265, we swear, it’s not you. It’s us.

Forgive us.

We hope we can make it up to you.

Overall, you’re just a little too specific. We

R not sociology majors.

Kannot pretend we are.

Alas, we must part ways.

Never again sitting in the lovely seats of the Northwest Corner Building—seats that made us tremendously claustrophobic.

Don’t worry, we probably won’t be missed. We are not big participators #socialanxiety.

Guess the readings we meticulously read, annotated, discussed, lived, and breathed were for nothing.


Not about you, Teresa.

Don’t forget about us.

Endings are a natural part of life.


Lecture Hall via Flickr