AskBwog’s take on an awkward situation.

Dear Bwog,

The guy I like, and whom I dated for a couple weeks, said he didn’t want to be with me, and so we parted on good terms. however, we are in the same club and now I still have to see him twice a week. I genuinely like him and so seeing him makes me sad, should I drop the club? or like, how do I get over this?😭


Club Dilemma

Dear Club Dilemma,

It can definitely be hard to run into people from past relationships, especially in activities you may have done together previously. However, because you both parted on good terms, there shouldn’t be any bad blood if you take some space for yourself—not necessarily from the club itself, but from your associations with him in that setting. Making new friends within the club would be one great way to both stay distracted and have a reason to look forward to your activities, rather than avoiding something you enjoy. 



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