AskBwog tackles the challenges of suite living.
Dear Bwog,
How do I tell my suitemates to be cleaner? I’ve been gently sending reminder texts to clean the sink or to wash our plates (or to not leave hair everywhere), but it doesn’t seem like they care. How do I approach them without seeming too mean?
Messy Suitemates
Dear Messy Suitemates,
Luckily, a new semester grants us with a new opportunity to set resolutions and guidelines for respectful suitemate conduct! One helpful tactic that everyone with roommates has done in their first week of college is creating a list of rules with the people in their shared space. While this can seem a little harsh at first—especially if your suitemates are your friends—there are certainly ways to mix serious rules (please don’t leave your plates in the sink) with silly ones (debriefs over good breakfast after a night out are mandatory) to lighten the mood but maintain the obligations. A gentle conversation with an on-paper list will help hold everyone accountable for cleanliness.
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