- The Westboro Baptist Church announces plans to picket “Ivy League Whorehouse” Vassar. We find this incredibly offensive. Since when is Vassar in the Ivy League? (Twitter)
- Mumford & Sons win album of the year at the Grammys. Ew. They just rip off of Morningsiders. (NYTimes)
- Apple has already conquered your first, second, and third biggest backpack pockets as well as the pocket in your jeans. Now they might conquer your wrist as well. And your soul. (Mercury News)
- The Huffington Post suddenly sounds very worthy of my attention. (The Huffington Post)
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@VC Oh hush. I’m a Vassar alum and now a Columbia grad. It’s not like Columbia was any harder to get into.
@FYI The logic used by Catholics to permit beaver meat during fast days was that behavior>anatomy. So dolphins would also be fair game.
@You missed it, Bwog You didn’t run a story about the Pope in the “Belief Edition?” Really? Really?
@anonymous The news didn’t come out until later in the day