CU Lion Pride, a student group that focuses on “strengthen[ing] the support of LGBTQ athletes at Columbia University” recently collaborated with SAUF, The Columbia Society for the Advancement of Underrepresented Filmmakers to produce You Can Play Columbia University.

The You Can Play project creates videos to promote and guarantee that every athlete is given equal opportunities to compete without judgment, regardless of their sexual orientation. You Can Play: Columbia University is one such video, and represents 17 different athletic teams at Columbia, in addition to multiple staff and administration, all of whom voluntarily participated in the project.

CU Lion Pride is a newly-created Columbia student group that “works to strengthen the support of LGBTQ athletes at Columbia University.” Co-founded by Derek Kim CC’16, Jourdan Sayers CC’15, and Kayla Patton CC’16, CU Lion Pride believes that “acceptance and support allows us to be better teammates, which leads us to greater success both on and off the field.” We know some of our teams could use it.

If you want to get involved with CU Lion Pride, email the executive board at