As Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer, we bring you a brief retrospective of the past three sun-drenched months.
New faces arrived on campus, in addition to a couple of changes in the neighborhood…and grounds…and ID cards. Study abroad took a Charlowian turn, while a “pretty little head”-ed singer had some harsh words for our honored leader.
Our colleagues embarked on numerous trips: to DC, to Bangalore, to Hogwarts. Con Edison was blamed for yet another urban nightmare. We summarized Manhattanville, CU nixed eminent domain (kind of). We ventured into the dark realm of canvassing and Good Charlotte. We mustered up some patriotism.
Barnard dissed USN&WR. Matt Sanchez actually contributed a dispatch. We learned we may have botulism. PrezBo boycotted a boycott. Vampire Weekend began their meteoric ascent. Nacho’s bit the dust; Westside came in its wake. We began our weekly to-do list. And Charlow caused more scandal.