
Despite nearing the last of their reserves of sanity, a healthy several hundred out of Butler’s suffering hordes turned out for this semester’s edition of Orgo Night (see others here and here). Those not in the loop as 209 filled up might be excused this time around; the Band doesn’t seem to have done much in the way of flyering. The crotchety individual who uttered a loud SSHHHH at around 11:50, however, was rightfully greeted with derisive laughter.

The marchers arrived right on time and put on a lively but shorter-than-average show (in this bwogger’s recollection). A few highs and lows:

LOW: In mocking the Day Against Hate, the band suggested it was kind of like oil, in which the day following a boycott would see doubled sales—“probably explaining what happened at Radio Perfecto two days later!” Everyone chucked at the murder of the young man. 

anzaloneHIGH: In the obligatory Ahmadinejad segment, the band suggested that the Iranian leader wasted time checking before he discovered Facebook and joined the World Dictators network. Pervez Musharraf showed up on the feed one day, as his relationship status with Pakistan had gone from “committed” to “it’s complicated.”

SO-SO: The 2008 presidential race got air time as well, with a fair amount of hating on evangelical conservatives, Yale, and Obama’s Columbia amnesia. His time here, they reasoned, must have been truly harrowing. “Maybe he didn’t have enough ethnic studies!” 

KIND OF OVER THE LINE: Aaaaand on the hunger strikers…CUMB ran with the public figure-ness of the strikers themselves, role playing one making Bryan Mercer hit himself with his hand, shouting “Why are you Othering me?” and making tasteless jokes about anorexia.

weinAbsent this year: Barnard jokes, PrezBo, the West End, alcohol. 

Present this year: former CUMBers Marcus Johnson and Joe Anzalone, rocking out on a table.

Bwog filed out with the rest of the visitors, only to be greeted again when the Band swung by Wien for a reprise. Hi Nancy!