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Posts Tagged with "its december now! holiday season ! and finals season rip"

Happening in the World: After Ukraine’s President, Petro Poroshenko assumed martial powers following a ‘maritime skirmish in the Kerch Strait’ in which Russian warships fired on Ukrainian navy vessels, he issued an order barring Russian men of military age from entering the country. On Friday, Poroshenko tweeted that this was done in order to prevent […]

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Ngl it's better when the professors don't erase the boards until they have to... it lets you refer back to (read more)
LectureHall Review: Havemeyer 309
September 17, 2024
Absolutely hilarious! (read more)
Investigating The Butler
September 16, 2024
Beautifully written. I felt as if I were in the room to witness this masterpiece. I would say amazing job (read more)
Courtney Bryan’s Composer Portrait Explores The Sound Of Freedom
September 16, 2024

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