- At first I was like
- But then I was like
Columbia just never seems to be satisfied with their Web presence. The SEAS site recently got refreshed— by our count the fourth redesign of this year. (For those keeping score, first came Cubmail, followed by the main page, and then Barnard.) Talk about vanity/ vigilance! The SEAS site was actually revamped just 18 months ago.
In this particular pecking order, SEAS may come last, but certainly not least: the new SEAS website seems to be an improvement over the old one. The placement of links to the SEAS Bulletin and Columbia Directory are more prominent, and when compared with the old one, the new Engineering logo is more consistent with the visual style of the other Columbia schools’ logos. Still, it adopts the curious drop-down menu system similar to the Barnard website, and there are some broken links. Womp.
@... From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:
n : mental deterioration of organic or functional origin conflated with strong delusions of grandeur [syn: {derangement}]
@Dude w/ yo moms Yo moms
@GS '13 Can we PLEASE get a redesign of the GS website? The frames, the awful Gill Sans typography, the disastrously unintuitive navigation, it’s as ugly as it is difficult to use.
That said, congratulations to SEAS on your lovely new look for Spring.
@Anonymous but who ever visits the GS website?