We received a tip early yesterday evening bringing to our attention a Human’s of New York-style Facebook page centered around Columbia first-years. As if these new students weren’t confident enough about their new status at Columbia, the page allows first-year students to share their wisdom and field notes with the rest of the Columbia community. Each post features a picture of the student (HONY-style) and a short blurb about literally anything it seems.

We have to admit we love how real this page gets. Instead of just corny lines about loving being in New York or the pain of reading the Iliad, this page focuses on the real, heart-touching stories we deserve. For example, one student graciously shared, “Just came back from the EC party… shit was cash.” This is an earnest investigation of what it REALLY means to be a first-year at Columbia.

Below is perhaps our favorite post so far. Feel free to visit their Facebook page for more. We look forward to seeing more crazy things first-years will say when they’re drunk at 2 AM.