A single dorm room in the Schapiro residence hall

We know exactly which Schap single you live in

Whether you’ve never seen the Columbia directory or you’ve used it to search everyone you’re interested in dating, it’s there, and your information is probably visible to everybody. Bwogger Ross Chapman is here to tell you more about the directory. 

Imagine you’re in a heated Facebook argument (there might be a place or two for that to happen at Columbia). Your opponent is clearly an idiot, and you, needing a break from studying, are more than happy to tell them how bad they are for making their argument. It gets heated, but you think you’ve made your point, and you hop off of Facebook. Your adversary is fuming mad. Ten minutes later, you hear a very loud, aggressive knock on your door.

At Columbia, there’s a pretty good chance they know where you live.

The Columbia University Directory is useful for finding a departmental phone number or a campus celebrity’s email address. But CC and SEAS students living in University buildings, including most brownstones and SIC’s, also give away their home addresses to the entire world. The normal directory page displays a student’s UNI, email, department, mailing address, and home address. Of course, faculty like President Bollinger aren’t forced to broadcast their address anyone with an internet connection. While the directory page does say “For full results, please log in,” the information available to site visitors appears exactly the same, regardless of whether or not they are logged in as a Columbia student.

Students who wish to hide their addresses must fill out Request to Withhold Directory Information Forms. However, this is an all-or-nothing deal. If you want people to be able to find your email, you also have to broadcast your place of residence. As of this moment, there is no recognized channel within Columbia to selectively withhold information. If you feel that your physical safety may ever be in danger of stalking, we encourage you to submit your Request to Withhold form to 205 Kent Hall.