Puppies > Press

Puppies > Press?

Happy Wednesday! Last night, General Studies Student Council met to discuss puppies, Thanksgiving, and the New York Times, amongst other issues. Bwog GSSC Bureau Chiefs Romane Thomas & Jenny Nugent are here with the updates.

The president started this week’s meeting with a policy update. GSSC, along with ESC, CCSC, and CEB, are currently working on standardizing the process of appointments to the CEB (Columbia Elections Board). Some council members expressed concern at this development. Michael Neier stated that he doesn’t think that “CEB should have oversight over the committee that appoints them.” The matter was tabled until next week’s meeting.

Afterwards, Senator Curtis updated the council on the initiatives surrounding the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Curtis is meeting with the ODS tonight to start planning Disabilities Awareness Day, which will take place on December 3.

Next, Tamta Arakhamia, Academic Affairs Representative, announced that the Ivy Policy Conference will be held at Columbia this year in the spring. This interschool event will feature delegates from all Ivy schools, who will discuss prevalent issues that affect all schools. Last year, the delegates spoke about sexual respect. The board of Columbia students attending the event is still looking for students. The application is open until November 18!

The council also discussed GSSC students’ free subscription to the New York Times. According to the VP of Finance, CCSC is about to retreat from the three-school subscription cost sharing. The VP of Finance opened the floor to discussion on the subject. Michael Higgins stated that canceling this subscription would not affect the availability of free New York Times paper copies in Lerner hall. Mike Neier expressed his support for pulling out of the deal. He brought up the fact that many GS students do not use the free subscription, which means that the council is paying for a relatively small amount of use.

The council also reminded us that Glass House Rocks is coming up on February 2, and that an organizing committee is being put together and is still accepting applications from the student body!

Awesome events coming up:

  •  Thanksgiving event – organized by the International Students Representatives, this FREE event will include traditional American foods. However, the Italian representative “picked them so they might not actually be traditional.”
  •  The Senior/First year Luncheon will happen from 12 to 2pm this Friday in the GS lounge.
  • Puppy breaks! On December 14, Lewisohn 602 will host puppies starting at 2pm.
  • Building A Professional Network (planned by the Alumni Affairs Rep): December 8 at 12:30pm in the Center for Career Education
  • Interviewing skills: December 9 at 12:30pm in the Center for Career Education


Princess Puppies via Wikimedia Commons