The darkest moment of your day.

Happening in the nation:  The Endangered Species Act was implemented during Nixon’s presidency to protect more than a thousand threatened or endangered species of plants and animals. Congressional Republicans have introduced 11 pieces of legislation that might put endangered species at risk. (Scientific American)

Happening in NYC: It appears that spring has arrived in Brooklyn and will soon be here in Manhattan. Due to climate change, the early spring began in the South and made its way to New York. (NY Times)

Happening on campus: Today from 4:30 to 6 pm in IAB there will be a presentation called, How Can Art Fight Back? Refugee Artists and the Ukrainian Crisis.

Overseen/Overheard: When you discover that you aren’t as slick as you thought… (see image)

Music Pick: The Chainsmoker’s Closer. On repeat. Get ready for Spring Break.

Image via Bwogger Betsy Ladyzhets