My date! Haha, do you get it? I’m single.

What’s Happening In The World: Controversial South African president Jacob Zuma has rejected calls to step down from his party, the African National Congress,  and is instead clinging to his position. Zuma has faced serious legal challenges over the course of his presidency, including being charged with rape, racketeering, and corruption. (Wall Street Journal)

What’s Happening In The US: The Trump Administration’s new budget proposed sweeping changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the program largely known as “food stamps”. Under the new guidelines, however, rather than purchasing their own foods, the vast majority of participants would receive half their benefits in the form of a box of peanut butter, cereal, and other “shelf stable” goods. This proposal has been met with widespread disapproval, with many administration officials pointing out that it may be an outrageous distraction from other, more secretive cuts to food assistance programs. (New York Times).

What’s Happening In NYC: Ahmad Khan Rahimi, who built and planted a bomb that exploded in Chelsea in 2016, was sentenced yesterday to two life sentences in prison. The bombing injured dozens, though none were killed. (New York Times)

What’s Happening On Campus: The Vivian and Seymour Milstein Family Heart Center is hosting a “Love Your Heart” event up at the medical campus. Head uptown to get some free massages, reiki therapy, aerobic exercise, nutrition advice, crystal healing, or PET THERAPY. Check it out.

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