When you have to reconsider your options after your housing group falls apart

It might be the start of a new week, but Bwog is back with more coverage of Columbia Housing. Yes, there might be less dorms to choose from, but not all hope is lost: there are still some pretty good rooms and suites up for grabs. We will be covering housing all day and until Wednesday, so be sure to check in for live updates and changes throughout the week. Remember: housing might be stressful, but it’s not the end of the world. No matter what happens this week, know that Bwog is rooting for your throughout this crazy process.

Be sure to come say hi to us during selection! (We will be the enthusiastic people on the couch with our Bwog banner proudly hung on the wall.) If you have questions, want to fill us in on your experience, or just want to come say hi, please do! We know that selection sucks, but we’ll try to make it a little easier for you.


Image via Flickr