Tree lighting this week!

Engineering Student Council met for a very, very brief session last night. President Ria Garg made sure to note how ESC’s attendance policies are being stretched by council members, something with which the E-Board will have to deal.

Minor Updates:

  • Tree Lighting is this Thursday, from 5:00 to 7:30. There will be free food and a record number of groups. If you can’t get to the entire event and just want to see the lights, the trees are lit up at exactly 6:56.
  • A meeting is being set up with CCSC President Jordan Singer and Undergraduate Student Life regarding the CC-SEAS programming board. There will be a big event next semester for Columbia undergraduate students. Sorry GS.
  • Dean Morrison is interested in how people feel about the gender neutral bathrooms which have been placed slowly (but consistently) in newly renovated Mudd floors. Nobody in ESC really noticed, but President Garg noted that the initiative is more oriented towards grad students “[who] live in Mudd.”