Overheard in the Carman elevator, a first-year host talking to a prospective student:
“We don’t really go into the city that much, but there’s a great bar scene on campus right across the street. And if that’s not for you, there’s great campus life too–in Mudd, there are Halo parties and everyone gets on the same network and just LAN all night! And there’s a Scrabble club. I think the world’s 3rd best Scrabbler is in it. You just have to get involved, there are lots of opportunities.”
@Well For what it’s worth: Ken is obscenely good, but he’s not third in the world. He’s ranked 50th in North America.
@Eric Actually, only one of the top two at the last world championship was from Asia. The other was white. But they both memorized the word lists…and so does the top player from Columbia, who’s actually ranked 50th best, not third!
@Well Hmm…you beat me to it.
@No one cares about people who have devoted their life to a pointless board game.
@halo where can i find more details about these halo lan parties?
@SHOCC I bet that loser that was giving the tour was one of the losers in SHOCC.
@third best scrabbler? i bet harvard and princeton have the first two. columbia can’t ever win anything.
@No Actually, they don’t, so be happy Columbia won something. The top two at the last world championships are adults from Asia who don’t even speak English, but memorized the word lists.
@Mayor Bloomberg So Columbia’s no longer in New York City?
The admissions propaganda lies again!
@dude you know everyone says “go into the city”. morningside heights is as much a boring suburb as morristown, new jersey or whatever
@where's my car! i once heard a girl in front of butler say, “so tonight, my friends and i are going into the city!”
i wanted to punch her.
@Nah I always say “into the city”. Morningside is junk.
@DHI Scrabbler is a great word
@hmm what happened to the U?
@nerds clearly SEAS prospectives