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Posts Tagged with "mudd"

COVID-19 was detected in the wastewater from Broadway and Wien, and two COVID cases were identified in the Mudd Building.

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Feeling crafty? Have you thought of a cool way to pimp your dorm room (pipe cleaners!!!!)? Bwogger Henry Litwhiler takes us to the newly opened Maker Space to talk about the innovative opportunities that are now available. For those currently harboring detailed blueprints for an erotic tea set under their floorboards, Columbia has launched a surprisingly generous […]

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As you make your way through the snow and slush that have recently taken over our campus, consider taking shelter inside one of Columbia’s most… interesting buildings: The Seeley W. Mudd Building, home of Columbia engineering. It was built in 1966, as a celebration of Satan’s 1300th anniversary. Go ahead, make your way there—you’ll find […]

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Update, 10:07 pm: Speaking of Reddit, /u/millie1889 registered r/Barnard today. No activity as of yet. r/Columbia found this short poem in a Mudd bathroom.

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Free Food!

Eat free pizza, not computers. ADI (you know, the group of cool cats who brought you DevFest) is hosting a ”Meet & Greet” this evening from 6 to 8 pm in the Botwinick (Gateway) Lab on the 12th floor of Mudd. We hear that pizza and drinks will be served, pleasantries and small talk will be […]

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In case you were wondering what building it was that you just walked into, Columbia has thoughtfully provided guidance for the lost: Photos by DCH, GD & AB

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Maybe they look like these gourmet beauts! Run! Rush! Walk fast! Update: A word to the wise: the cookies are free, but you may be guilted into donating to the SEAS Senior Fund.

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There seem to be some big changes afoot in Mudd. It’s a tale with which we are all too familiar: vending machine change insanity! Click to enlarge for the full scoop. Yes, you heard us: scoop.

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The approach of midterms week means Dante’s Inferno is to be found in the sweaty hands of freshmen this week.  Urban Spelunker Gavin McGown was not content to simply flip pages: he was jonesing to explore!  Mudd’s basement is a dark and terrifying world Dante surely would have assigned to heathens and traitors. Huddled as […]

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   Photo by AB Bwogger Anish Bramhandkar started his year off right by heading up to the 12th floor of Mudd to catch a few minutes of Disney/Pixar’s Monsters Inc., spotted on one of those ubiquitous flatscreens.  Why is SEAS spending its considerable brainpower on kids’ movies?  Bramhandkar suggests the display is designed to convince […]

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A Bwog classic, Campus Corners is returning from a two year hiatus — for one day. Here, we bring you some of Columbia’s less crowded study spots, if only to get you to leave Wien’s warm embrace for a couple minutes. Getting into the computer science lounge isn’t easy. Last year, every undergrad was sent […]

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Minor Fire at Mudd

Or so claim some senior bio majors evacuated from the building a few minutes ago.  They say that their professor told them to get out as soon as they smelled smoke coming from one of the upper floors–other students stood around in puzzlement, and few of the evacuated seemed to be enjoying the all-too-brief break […]

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Manhattan poll takes calculated, er, “responsible” stance on expansion: city’s “success…difficult to absorb”. There’s always Bounty. Mudd to get greener (does that mean less muddy, or more?) Police rubber-stamp 11-block strike walk… …but in opinion, we find self-conscious Iraq caution, and the same message with a lot more braggadoccio…plus, to top it all off, love is […]

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Overheard in the Carman elevator, a first-year host talking to a prospective student: “We don’t really go into the city that much, but there’s a great bar scene on campus right across the street. And if that’s not for you, there’s great campus life too–in Mudd, there are Halo parties and everyone gets on the […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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