Spectator is flickering in and out, but SIPA bloggers are still in the game, and now some J-school students have thrown up a cute little blog, featuring a slide show and nifty map of the goings-on.

Meanwhile, Rudy’s warmongering at a rally called the National Rally To End The Threat Now. His statement after the jump.

Statement from Mayor Rudy Giuliani

New York City – Mayor Rudy Giuliani released the following statement to be read at the National Rally To End The Threat Now being held today at noon:

“I have always been proud to stand with the Conference of Presidents and speak out against terrorists and their supporters. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is an enemy of America, Israel, and the entire free world. We should never remain silent when evil makes an appearance.

“We will not allow a nuclear Iran. Period. We will work with our allies and use every tool at our disposal to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power. That is not a threat. It’s a promise.  Iran is the leading state-sponsor of terrorism, the host of Bin Laden’s son and other top al-Qaeda leaders, and the supplier of weapons being used to kill American soldiers in Iraq.  His promises to destroy America and Israel should not, can not, and will not be ignored.

“It is a sad reflection on the United Nations that the General Assembly and Human Rights Council have ignored these actions and instead focused attention on demonizing the State of Israel.

“You are standing here today to tell the world that Ahmadinejad’s threats and actions have not gone unnoticed by all.  I am proud to stand with you.”