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Posts Tagged with "ahmadinejad"

Update, 4 pm: Spec’s EIC and Managing Editor have posted a statement addressing the disconnect between the information in their story “CUCR plans to invite Ahmadinejad to campus” and the response from CUCR. They write, “Before we included that information, [CUCR] group leadership said that the documents were authentic, though the intention behind their statements […]

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The Columbia University College Republicans have released a new statement unequivocally denying claims that the organization was in the process of inviting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak on campus. Notably, this letter has been signed by every CUCR board member. Yesterday, we responded to the Spectator headline, “CUCR plans to invite Ahmadinejad to campus” with […]

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Contrary to the Columbia Daily Spectator’s top headline, “College Republicans plan to invite Ahmadinejad,” the Iranian president has not been invited to speak at Columbia by CUCR. Spec quotes from a supposed letter of invitation from CUCR to the Iranian dictator as a source. Bwog too received this “leak” on February 14th, and confirmed its […]

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As reported a few days ago, the College Republicans have been considering bringing Jim Gilchrist, co-founder and president of the Minuteman Project—a controversial group aiming to stop illegal immigration—back to speak at Columbia. For those of you who don’t remember Gilchrist’s last visit to campus in October 2006, violence broke out between a group of protestors […]

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It began innocently enough. The Columbia International Relations Council and Association (CIRCA, formerly known as Model UN) announced to their members that Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (who gave a speech at Columbia in 2007), in town for the United Nations General Assembly, had invited them to a dinner on September 21st (the logistics of this […]

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Any business operator knows that if you kill your rival, you might get his customers. It’s just that who knew Mr. Softee was so cutthroat? (Gothamist) If you drink and drive, bad things may happen. Luckily for you, you’ll be drunk, so everything will be fine. (Reuters) If Teachers College says Bloomberg has no right […]

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The Helmsley Hotel has cancelled a banquet scheduled for next weekafter learning that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was expected to attend and speak.  Ahmadinejad, shown, growls toothily in response.  (NY Post) The summer’s high incidence of shoplifting has inspired storeowners’ increased attention to security.  Filling your Tupperware with free salmon dip at Westside Market just […]

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He’s Baaaack

Apparently overjoyed with his previous New York sojourn, our overseas pal Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (we even remember how to spell that from the last go-around!) is returning to our fair city to attend the U.N.’s General Assembly in September. According to Mahmoud himself, he’s coming around to “defend Iran’s rights” and remedy the “unjust” Western way […]

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Bnai Haman is going to have the most quasi-topical Purim ever. But first, some background: Bnai Haman is an activist group formed as a response to Bollinger, Bulliet, and Coatworth’s invitation of Iranian President Ahmadinejad to speak at Columbia—an invitation which in their opinion never should have been extended. Purim is the Jewish holiday celebrating […]

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Bwog was puzzled when news of a delegation of Columbia professors going to Iran to apologize to President Ahmadinejad for PrezBo’s performance in September appeared in our inbox yesterday. The article by the government-sponsored Mehr News agency cited only one anonymous source and seemed completely improbable, Bwog brushed it off as Iranian propaganda and went […]

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How has 2007 been the year for Columbia’s prevalence within the mainsteam media? Let Bwog count thy ways… Ahmadinejad’s remark about homosexuality in Iran (namely lack thereof) was noted in Salon‘s Year in Sex. The same comment was also included in City Room’s 2007 synopsis under the heading “Widely noted denial of sexual identity”, as […]

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Remember Richard Bulliet? Remember the whole Ahmadinejad fiasco? Well history professor Bulliet was the one who extended the invite. Though for most people the drama has died down, some grudges remain. The site Richard W. Bulliet — Ratfink pretty much says it all. It’s even listed on Wikipedia as the “Unauthorized Richard W. Bulliet Homepage,” […]

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A bit of late news that was recently brought to our attention: according to the ominously-titled website House of Bnai-Haman, September 24, 2007 will now permanently be referred to as “Columbia’s Day of Shame,” which the site asks to readers to make sure “is never forgotten.” Granted, the blog was actively updated for a grand […]

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Well we’re giving them some anyway in light of the dapper gentleman they’ve chosen as their poster child (maybe Andy Samberg helped pick out the picture?). Oh, and their catchphrase is kinda clever in an inadvertently self-negating kind of way… Also featured on CUCR posters for Friday’s Horowitz visitation: a man hanging from a rope and […]

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In case you were curious about what other things came up in the last 24 hours or so:   Robert Kraft, alumnus and New England Patriots owner extraordinaire, just donated a crapload of money to Columbia Athletics ($5 million, to be exact). Consequentially, Lawrence A. Wein Stadium has become the Stadium Formerly Known as Wein, […]

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