The residents of a Columbia dorm floor received these bizarre emails from their RA (specifics redacted) on Thursday morning. Here they are, very sic, copy-and-pasted.
“Date: Sep 13, 2007 3:27 AM
Subject: Incident Tonight
Hi Everyone!
As some of you might have heard, an incident occured around 1:40am
this morning. There were screams, loud noises, Public Safety came,
the GA/AD came, and NYPD came. There has been allegations of physical
assalt, maybe even rape.
Whether that is true or not, I just want to let all of you know that
the issue is being dealt with right now on all levels of the Columbia
adminstration. I know that to some of you, that might not sound so
convincing/pleasing…but have faith in the system. They will get to
the bottem of this.
If any of you have any unresolved feelings or just want to talk about
the incident please feel free to email me back to either talk with me
or I can direct you to the GA/AD/others who can help and may have more
“Date: Sep 13, 2007 11:21 PM
Subject: Please read! Clarification to the Incident Last Night
Hi everyone!
Aftering haven spoken to people, including the AD and the people
involved, and gotten all the FACTS straight, I would like to clarify
some of the information contained is last night’s email about the
incident that occured.
Although the wording might have it seem otherwise, the SOLE INTENT of
last night’s email was to dispel any FASLE allegations and rumors.
The incident last night was the result of a series of accidental
events that unfolded in such a way to appear more than it really was.
I am sorry if in my email I caused people UNNECESSARY and
UNFOUNDED alarm and/or fear.
The people involved in the incident want to apologize for all the
inconvenience they may have caused.
If anyone has any concerns or need further clarification, please don’t
hestiate to either email me back or knock on my room […].
@Sprinkles Everyone gets scared at the possibility that there was a rape in the street…but let’s not forget the countless “date rapes” that go unreported or unrecognized because they happen in dorms and frat houses. Please remember that if you’re going to be raped, it will most likely be by someone you know.
@Big Picture, guys Am I the only one a little concerned that a college kid was beat down to the floor and more than 5 cop cars were brought in for a pretty trivial public drinking incident just off-campus? Who the fuck cares if he’s Asian?
@Yes It’s frightening that things like this can happen, and even more frightening that they can go (relatively) unreported.
@Anti-AA Dude, the only legitimate claim Asians can have of being discriminated against is by Columbia admissions.
Even if someone did say ‘had a little too much sake’ (which sounds too bogus to be real) that’s a far cry from getting a truncheon rammed up your ass. As for the whiteys walking by, the cops ignored them because they didn’t want to start a riot.
The sake-swiller was obviously pretty wasted
@quis custodiet? An (asian) student had an open container outside Broadway. NYPD rolled by, had a discussion with student, discussion became heated, student was handcuffed aggressively and thrown onto the ground, crowd assembled, NYPD officers called for backup to deal with crowd, several cars arrived, officers emerged to keep crowd away, lots of yelling, several racist comments were made by police (personal favorite: “had too much sake tonight?) Spectator was informed last night but has remained strangely silent on the issue.
@Fuck the NYPD bastards
@Cava Story Years ago, a friend of mine on CAVA related the following story. They went to a call for an intox, and found the drunk to be somewhat belligerent, so as is standard in those cases, they had a cop ride in the ambulance with them over to St. Lukes. The kid was not cooperative at all, flailing and cussing and such at the nurse in the hospital, so the cop moves in to restrain him, and the drunk hits the cop, who at this point is accompanied by some other police. The cops send the CAVA guys away for a second, two of them hold the kid down, and the officer proceeds to beat the shit out of the kid in the stretcher, punching him in the face until he passes out.
@this sounds like something that happened on my floor last year…which occurred only one year ago.
@Oh please Videophone or gtfo.
I’m not saying it’s not true, I’m just betting the little college punk was being an entitled bastard like we are wont to do.
As for the racist comment, I’m a little unclear how you heard this comment, since the cops were keeping people away. Regardless, prior to the arrest it is doubtful profiling occurred. Perhaps somewhere in New York City cops profile against Asians, but I would bet in the majority of asian-NYPD relations, racism works in Asians’ favor, and ignorant cops assume that Asians are going about their gentle Buddha-tofu-meditation authority-loving business. Doesn’t excuse the potential racism, but hey, are we really surprised at this point that the chaps with guns are willing to crack some skulls and make racist remarks? Well we shouldn’t be.
If you want to be outraged at authority, that’s cool, or if you want to be outraged at racism, that’s cool. Hell, if you want to be enraged at both at the same time, that’s cool too. But I would suggest not getting authoritarian tactics and racism mixed up in your own mind since it allows you two modes of completely separate arguments against the cops. Although both the abuse of authority and racism may have been displayed simultaneously, the phenomena are not intrinsically related since white cops will bust rich white boy heads from time to time. Just a helpful hint in case you ever have to go to trial with it.
As for who watches the watchmen, we do. And they watch themselves. You should know by now that everyone watches everyone. So I say again, cameraphone, sworn eyewitness testimony, or gtfo.
@#16 I’m not being outraged. I’m not getting anything confused. I’m reporting the facts of what I observed directly from the distance of about 10 feet. During the incident in which the asian student was arrested, the police also asked if his group of friends understood English (they clearly did and were speaking it to the officers). Two caucasian students walked by carrying 40s a bit later in view of the police that had arrived and were ignored.
I was an eyewitness and am perfectly content to swear an oath to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.
@woah these comments = the twilight zone.
is everything ok?
@wow you’re racist.
@jeebus! aftering such a potentially disturbing event, it’s a good thing that we have emails like this to help us get to the bottem of the situation and to disspell FASLE rumors, especially those that can cause unneccessary or unfounded fear inside emails.
@random do people actually talk to their RA’s about issues? that’s news to me
@logic so to counter the rumors of a rape, send out an email telling everyone that there are rumors of a rape?
@Former RA Yeah, this was a really inappropriate email for that RA to send out. They should have spoken to their GA and AD before sending out any information to the whole floor, and the email should have been much more general to protect the privacy of those involved.
@broadway resident this occurred on my floor and I received this email from my RA. As you can imagine, all the females on my floor were quite concerned on Thursday morning that there was a rapist running rampant.
And when I asked the security officer at the sign-in desk what had happened the previous night, she said that a student had to be given a neck brace after getting into an accident.
Go figure. But I agree that this was completely uncalled for. The RA should not have used such strong words when these events were absolutely unfounded. And my floor is still unclear about what happened.
@wow again *i’m glad this RA thinks…
@also im glad an email about an alleged rape began so cheerfully… “Hey Everyone!”
@wow i’m glad people this RA thinks that CAPITALIZED WORDS are such EFFECTIVE tools for EMPHASIS.
@Ron Jeremy “There were screams, loud noises, Public Safety came, the GA/AD came, and NYPD came.”
I always knew Public Safety, GA/AD, and NYPD were screamers in bed!
@asdf booo.
@can someone who knows get some details out here. WTF happened????
@wtf? there were 4+ cop cars and an all-black car with a siren (like the FBI cars). Don’t give me that crap