Yesterday, in our quest to educate you, gentle readers, about the ins and out of Columbia real estate, we took a closer look a Wien. Today, we move westward to Woodbridge—a place of dreams, deferred.


According to the housing website, even the “worst room” in Woodbridge is a treat. I’ve experienced both ends of the spectrum, and I can say that there is a serious difference between options. Woodbridge is a building on the corner of 115th and Riverside that consists of two person, one-bedroom apartments. This means you can either share a bedroom with your roommate and have a nice sized living-room, or you can use the living-room as another bedroom and each have “singles.” The Woodbridge lines are all different and some lend themselves to being “split” more than others. To my knowledge, A, B, C, F, and K are most easily separated into separate rooms, as they don’t have walkthrough bathrooms and you don’t enter directly into the living room.

When I first picked into Woodbridge, my junior year, my roommate and I were choosing between Woodbridge and Watt. We leaned towards Woodbridge because of the bonus of having our own bedrooms. The only Woodbridge suite left was 1D, and we went for it even though we knew the light situation wouldn’t be great [D is on the shaft and the first floor obviously gets the worst light]. In retrospect, I would absolutely have opted for Watt—better light, wood floors, better condition. Also, Be warned, sleeping in the “living room” bedroom, when you don’t really have a door, has serious drawbacks.

This year, I’m in the J suite. In, general, I really like it. The living room is HUGE, the bedroom and kitchen too, and it has five windows that look out on 115th street—you can even see the park…sort of. If you’re lucky enough to wind up with a Woodbridge suite all to yourself [due to extenuating circumstances…if your roommate goes abroad they tend to stick someone in there with you], it’s probably the best apartment you’ll have for a long time.

Also, an added bonus: the Woodbridge superintendent, Jorge, is great. He may even teach you some Spanish.

Perks: Laundry room, exercise room w/ cable TV, in-room bathroom w/ shower/tub

Drawbacks: No computer lab, no dishwashers, ugly carpets, horrible wind tunnel

– Merrell Hambleton