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Posts Tagged with "woodbridge"

Want to be close to Riverside Park and don’t mind walking up hills? Woodbridge has everything you need. Location: Nearby dorms: St. A’s, Schapiro, the 600s, River (sort of). Stores and restaurants: Morton William’s, a halal cart, Sweetgreen, Starbucks, Shake Shack, Pret. Cost: standardized to $9,538 per year Amenities: Bathrooms: Sink, toilet, and bathtub, one […]

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Today, Bwog reviews Woodbridge: a dorm with suites less famous than EC, but no less coveted. If you’re a senior in a double, and you have at least some kind of cooking knowledge, this dorm may be just the place for you. Location: 431 Riverside Drive Nearby dorms: Schapiro Stores and restaurants: Morton Williams, Sweetgreen, Vine, M2M, Starbucks, 115th […]

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It’s that time of the year again: spring everlasting winter! And that can mean only one thing—the annual installment of Bwog’s housing reviews.  Today, we bring you the deets on one of New York’s hottest clubs along Riverside Park: Woodbridge. Location: 431 Riverside Drive (115th and Riverside) Nearby dorms: Schapiro Stores and restaurants: MoWi, M2M, Vine, Ollie’s, 115th Street Halal […]

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Housing approacheth. And, unless you’re on top of it, it’s probably coming up sooner than you think. Bwog’s got you covered; we’ll be rolling out two housing reviews per day until no residence hall is left un-reviewed. Prepare to get (even more) excited: this year, we’re reviewing Barnard residence halls, too. Reviews for all! Today’s […]

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Location: Bottom of 115th street, at 431 Riverside Drive Nearby dorms: Schapiro Stores and restaurants: MoWi, M2M, Vine, Ollie’s, Pinnacle Cost: $8,324 (same as Watt and Hogan) Amenities: Bathrooms: Each double has its very own! AC/Heating: No A/C, yes heat. Sometimes the heat is spotty which you can only really feel if you have windows […]

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Location: Bottom of 115th street, at 431 Riverside Drive Nearby dorms: Schapiro Stores and restaurants: MoWi, M2M, Vine, Ollie’s, Pinnacle Cost: $8,324 (same as Watt and Hogan) Amenities: Bathrooms: Each double has its very own! AC/Heating: No A/C, yes heat. Sometimes the heat is spotty which you can only really feel if you have windows […]

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The Core, it has been said, is good for cocktail party chatter and not much else. You’ll be able to schmooze with people about Woolfe and iambic pentameter, yadda yadda. This post supplements the rather specific knowledge Columbia bestows on you (hey, no snark alert: we kind of love the Core) with some genuinely useless […]

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Yesterday, in our quest to educate you, gentle readers, about the ins and out of Columbia real estate, we took a closer look a Wien. Today, we move westward to Woodbridge—a place of dreams, deferred. Woodbridge According to the housing website, even the “worst room” in Woodbridge is a treat. I’ve experienced both ends of […]

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