Name, school: Kate “Kate-O” O’Gorman, BC

Claim to fame: Prez-O of the Dems, Roosevelt Policy Director, RA, assorted other things along the way.

Where are you going? Still looking for a job. Know anyone who is hiring?

Three things you learned at Columbia:

  1. In my first-year, I learned about the competition to be the “most stressed” person. By senior year, I learned that isn’t a competition you want to win.
  2. What a hipster is. Really, before Columbia I thought it was someone mispronouncing hippie.
  3. No matter how many times you wish, SEAS, CC, or GS isn’t going to change their mascot to a tiger so that you can cheer Lions, and Tigers, and Bears. Oh my!

Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer: Sleep camel. Midnight decorator. Pepsi enthusiast. Pragmatic Progressive. Strong, beautiful Barnard woman. Still trying to figure out how to justify her existence.

Any war stories from the War on Fun? Well, I’ve been an RA for three years but haven’t been really warring on fun at all. Though, one night, while on duty, I broke up a party only to realize that I was dressed in an Army t-shirt and hat. Guess I took the War on Fun a little too literally. It’s OK, they were in costume too. A penguin (full mascot costume) answered the door.

Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese? I’ve never liked cheese (waits for the boos that generally follow that statement). But seriously, to all the Seniors that are pledging to give up cheese: it’s probably a good thing you’re graduating. You have no idea how often “refreshments” translates to cheese platters. And you’ll probably miss your night cheese too.

Any advice for the Class of 2014? Take advantage of everything that you can while you are here. You only get four years. On a cornier note, Columbia, Barnard, and New York are like an awesome buffet. Problem is, you only get so big a plate. Try not to overflow it unless you can swipe another meal.

Any regrets? Sleep is a priority, not an option.