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Posts Tagged with "senior wisdom 2010"

Each May, Bwog invites outgoing seniors—campus leaders, academic stars, and other Columbians eager to answer the question, “Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese?”—to reminisce, voice their petty grievances, and give their advice to incoming first-years. Here are our favorites: the funniest, the truest, and the most useful. The Academics A good title […]

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And now for our final installment (phew!) of Senior Wisdom, we present to you our dearly near-departed Bwog and Blue & White seniors: Bwog and B&W editor emerita Juli Weiner and Bwog Editor emeritus James Downie, B&W managing editor and former daily editor Alexandra M., Hawkmadinejad editor Courtney D., and B&W senior editor Menachem Kaiser. […]

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Name, school: Sam Kuperberg, BC Claim to fame: Use of the adverb “real nice;” turning my friends’ names into puns; overly elaborate thought experiments. Also, Moderator of the Philolexian Society. Where are you going? After graduation I start work as a Patient Care Associate at Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, which serves on the LGBT community, […]

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Name, school: Arash Bahar, CC Claim to fame: VP of Columbia Iranian Student Association: the organization that raises awareness for the current Green Movement in Iran and brings you such staples as Persian Passions and Campo’s Valentine’s Day Crunkfest. And on a serious note, founder of Thug Passions. Where are you going? Have no idea […]

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Name, school: Kabita Parajuli, CC Claim to fame: I specialize in not specializing. (TBTN, AYP, peer counseling, potluck and its many seductions, some NSOP, gorilla art my sophomore year. And of course, Imbiena) Where are you going: Wherever my slowly un-muddling heart takes me. Three things you learned at Columbia: Not to take it too […]

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Name, school: Akiva Bamberger, CC Claim to fame: I’m all up in the interwebs. I wrote a tech column for the Spectator, helped found the Application Development Initiative and was president of the Association for Computing Machinery. Also, I was a tour guide and am graduating a year early. Where are you going? I’m going […]

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Name, school: Ginia Sweeney, CC Claim to fame: Spec editor for a while, enemy of athletes (for literally years!), head of Postcrypt Coffeehouse and one of the founding fathers of the now-annual folk festival. Where are you going? I’ll be living in Brooklyn and working full time in children’s book publishing for at least the […]

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Senior Wisdom: Varun

Name, school: Varun, SEAS 2010 (or maybe BC? I’ve told that lie…) Claim to fame: That gigantic Tamasha banner, a few dance teams (aka “dance team slut” — NOT MY WORDS), a certain Spec op-ed. Where are you going? New Orleans for TFA. Three things you learned at Columbia: A little bit of un-anonymous, positive […]

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Name, school: Daria Schneider, CC Claim to fame: 2007 NCAA Champion, got to fence in front of and fist bump Obama at the White House, Member of National Team Where are you going? I’m staying in NYC to train for London 2012. Three things you learned at Columbia: 1. Even if the students create a […]

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Name, school: AJ Pascua, CC Claim to fame: CC 2010 Class President (sophomore and junior years) and author of the barely tolerated class email for two years. Where are you going? Google (Mountain View, California) Three things you learned at Columbia? If you live in Claremont and grocery shop at Westside, (shamelessly) use the shuttle […]

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Name, school: Vivian Lu, CC Claim to fame: Carman 10, ROOTEd & Asian American Alliance Political Committee, intellectual intercourse (new group on critical engagement w/the Core), Ethnic Studies stuff, bluegrass, etc. Where are you going? Colorado/Arizona/NYC for a few years to decide exactly what I want from grad school, or something. Three things you learned […]

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Name, school: Nick Serpe, CC Claim to fame: I’ve thrown my hat in a fair number of campus rings, in about this order: Amnesty International, COOP, Responsible Endowments Coalition, the Current. Where are you going? I’m moving to Brooklyn’s fairer shores, but I’ll be working back Manhattan-side at Dissent magazine. Three things you learned at […]

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Name, school: Dan Miranda, SEAS Claim to fame? Hosting crazy parties in the Band Suite, and contributing some of the most controversial jokes to Orgo Night scripts. Where are you going? Maybe getting this job as a research assistant uptown at CUMC… maybe flying to Puerto Rico to fix up an inherited condo… Three things […]

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Name, school: Joy Resmovits, BC Claim to fame: I’ve probably interviewed you and your dean at some point for Spec (former news editor). Where are you going? In the short run, the Wall Street Journal. After that, who knows? (Will cover education policy/city politics for food.) Three things you learned at Columbia: 1. It’s never […]

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Name, school: Ross Ramone, CC Claim to fame: Captain of the Men’s Swimming and Diving Team, that blonde guy in Notes and Keys, known to portray Jews in various CMTS productions, the bronze Alexander Hamilton statue in Vshow 113, responsible for your black out at the White Party (Sigma Nu ’08 edition), great in the […]

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