An anonymous tipster sent us the following gem yesterday—we added the sunglasses to protect his identity, and augment chill. All those flooding the libraries in anticipation of upcoming midterms, take note:
Around 4 this afternoon a diligent student studying in the Diana cafeteria on the second floor excavated himself from behind his laptop, lay down on the carpet, crossed his legs and remained immobile for the next hour. This is how you do it, people.
@Anonymous we really shouldn’t be glorifying shit like this. go get some real sleep, you fools
@if you don't know what to do with all that free time on your hands, at least stop ragging on people who like to be creative with their words.
@Anonymous I think that kid went to my high school
@grammar nazi should be ‘extricated’ not ‘excavated’. jeez u go to COLUMBIA ppl
@lexicon fascist that isn’t a grammatical correction. j33z U g0 2 C0LUMBi@ ppL [sic].
@Anonymous And zero fucks were given that day.
@check it-
@"excavated himself" Ouch?
@Anonymous “Around 4 this afternoon a diligent student studying in the Diana cafeteria on the second floor excavated himself from behind his laptop, lay down on the carpet, crossed his legs and remained immobile for the next hour. ”
WTF ??? Does this even make sense? Good thing my powers of inference can disentangle even the poorest photo caption.
@Anonymous That was probably the tip sent in, not anything Bwog wrote. Maybe?
@come on!
@Anonymous excavated?
@Narcoleptics fall asleep in the vag.
@patrick mcguire not funny
@Architecture students fall asleep in the vag.
@Anonymous This is great.