In light of the upcoming elections, Bwog is bucking CCSC procedure and endorsing one party and one party only for CCSC 2016…our own! Meet Morningside Madness: Gangnam Style.

Hey class of 2016!

From our first Lit Hum class to deciding to skip out on an EC party to play Monopoly, freshman year has already been one crazy ride. MM:GS wants to make sure we stay on the right track and keep moving, like a train. Get to know our campaign and what we’re all about, and hey, you might even join in on the madness…Gangnam Style…like the song!


Your council


Name: Carly Stevens

Hometown: New Jersey

Fast Facts: Sus Del Maj, Pinkberry Princess, looooooves True Blood and being personable

Favorite Columbia Spot: Kickin’ in at Joe’s



Name: Chester Grobin

Hometown: New Jersey

Fast Facts: 6 feet, favorite movie = WALL-E, always down to throw the disc

Favorite Columbia Spot: Throwin’ the disc on the lawn



Name: José Canales

Hometown: Westchester

Fast Facts: Mets fan, I’ve climbed a mountain before, guilty as charged in the late-night Koronet’s department LOL

Favorite Columbia Spot: Crevices of Mudd


Name: Susan Bhattari

Hometown: New Jersey

Fast Facts: Voted “class clown” in high school, can play the oboe, had diarrhea during my SAT but still did well!

Favorite Columbia Spot: Ferris Booth balcony with my girls!


Campaign Platform:

Our campaign platform is one of change, transparency, and more change…Change that can’t be altered by silly bureaucratic nonsense like “E-forms” or Occupancy Verification whatever you calls it. That’s why we want to establish a specific list of goals, and make it our priority to meet them this year.

  • Dining halls will be open, FOREVER!
  • Tuesdays will officially become “Fun Hat Day”
  • Who needs a CSA advisor? We’re going to replace them with puppies!
  • No more depression on campus!
  • Unlimited MetroCards
  • Daily fun fact e-mails
  • Every space will become a safe space!
  • Communal chili pots on each floor’s stove
  • Bidet’s
  • Make-your-own-Sundae Sundays!

Carly, Chester, José, and Susan via Wikimedia Commons