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Posts Tagged with "class of 2016"

This morning, Barnard released the class of 2016 inductees to the national honor society Phi Beta Kappa. The list includes 51 students, or 10 percent of the Barnard graduating class. The inductees will be initiated on May 16. You can find the full list of inductees below. Congratulations to all! Sadia Ahmed Zoe Baker-Peng Sarah Batchu […]

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Columbia has announced this year’s inductees from the senior class for Phi Beta Kappa, the national honor society. The list include 94 students, or 10 percent of the Columbia College graduating class. The announcement explains the inductees were chosen by “a faculty selection committee of Phi Beta Kappa members based on the breadth, depth and rigor of their academic programs, […]

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Congratulations to Felix Qiaochu Jin and Zoey Poll for being named Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the class of 2016. Jin, a biochemistry and physics major from Rochester, N.Y., and Poll, an urban studies major from Los Angeles, have been awarded the highest academic honor by the university. Both have been committed scholars and have been […]

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Earlier today, we received a question from an anonymous tipster about the Senior Scramble results, which supposedly came out today. The email said: “i got a senior scramble match do i email them back? wink at them over a 40? plz advize” Well, tipster, we can assure you that you’re not alone in wondering how […]

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Yesterday afternoon, campus media met with CCSC and ESC Senior Class Presidents, EGSC President, as well as members of the administration involved in planning Class Day, to discuss the two keynote speakers for this year’s CC and SEAS commencement ceremonies. Dean Baquet will address the graduating Class of 2016 at the Columbia College Class Day ceremony on May […]

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In light of the upcoming elections, Bwog is bucking CCSC procedure and endorsing one party and one party only for CCSC 2016…our own! Meet Morningside Madness: Gangnam Style. Hey class of 2016! From our first Lit Hum class to deciding to skip out on an EC party to play Monopoly, freshman year has already been […]

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According to tipsters, AJ, one-seventh of the Korean boy band U-KISS, will be officially joining the Columbia student body this fall.  In fact, he “safely arrived at the Columbia University a few days ago” “and was busy to finish some works prior to the beginning of the semester!” We’re not sure which one is AJ (here’s a […]

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Anonymous email sent in last night which recounts a critical moment in the Columbian life-cycle: At approximately 5pm EST, a shot was fired. “Housing?!” posted one eager student in the Columbia – Class of 2016 Facebook grouper, sending over 1,000 students into a rush to get to LionMail first. No doubt, this would create traffic; […]

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History repeats itself, 2016. Prefrosh Facebook one another. Sometimes, they plan parties. This year, they’ve been inspired by Mean Girls, the 2004 teen comedy starring cute Lindsay Lohan. Those are pretty good quotes, to be fair, and these prefrosh clearly love the idea of Columbia. If only we could buy some of their enthusiasm on the street and […]

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Greetings, prospective Columbians! Bwog hopes that you’re ready to enjoy an amuse-bouche of college life this weekend. And by a stroke of good fortune, you’ll be experiencing completely typical weather conditions, quality of life, and level of general satisfaction! Right, everyone? Right. On Thursday, we reposted our beloved and authoritative guide, “How to Scar Your […]

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The admissions staff is shipping the acceptance letters out to the Class of 2016 high school seniors.  As per tradition, they are out on college walk marching boxes of letters into the shipping trucks.  Admissions will be posted online tonight at 5 pm.  Freak out, high schoolers! As always, it was one of the largest […]

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Remember the neurotic high school senior that you once were and still sort of are? Use that person to generate some empathy, as Barnard is mailing its decision letters today. In an e-mail to Bwog, admissions dean and shatterer of dreams Jennifer Fondiller shared some of the exciting stats. The acceptance rate for the class […]

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Last semester, after Early Decision results went out, we checked in on the Class of 2016’s Facebook page. We expected to be, uh, entertained; we were not disappointed. So last week, when Regular Decision stats were announced, we thought maybe that the 2016 Facebook’s page had had time to ferment. Again, we expected something to chuckle at. Indeed, […]

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Today, compounding the stress of nervous high school seniors across the hemispheres, our Office of Undergraduate Admissions released preliminary numbers for the regular decision pool. The stats showed an overall drop in applications from last year, which they attributed both to a normalizing effect from Columbia’s switch to the Common App in 2010, and also to […]

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The early entrants to Columbia’s CC and SEAS class of 2016 have been announced. As some of you may remember from way back when (high school), getting into college is kind of a big deal. Maybe your parents took you out to a nice restaurant that night, or maybe you jumped around uncontrollably screaming incomprehensible […]

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