A tipster overheard the following in Lerner:
“Most people don’t know this about me, but I’m really fucking intellectual.”
Which probably means:
“I definitely think most people think I’m intellectual, but I’m trying to sound humble by pretending I don’t and putting a ‘fucking’ in there.”
It’s the essence of every college or job application ever! This guy has got it down.
Slick guy via Shutterstock
@Alum Bwoggie don’t disappoint us so much :(
@JR I continue to check Bwog with the same fervor as I did before the redesign and back when it didn’t suck, with the hope that one day it won’t suck. Currently, it kind of sucks.
@*sigh* bwog, what happened to you?
@Anonymous This is really fucking stupid. I put a ‘fucking’ in there so that you would know that I think this is really fucking stupid.
@Anon I don’t know that putting a “fucking” in your job applications is really advisable…
@well... Depends what you’re applying for, really.
@Anonymous Depends on who you’re fucking.
@BSGS Wow.
Bwog being self-referential about Columbia students being self-referential who didn’t actually say the thing Bwog is interpreting and fit into a stereotype that would make them ultra-self-referential and picked up by a blog named Bwog who is being insularly asinine as always is completely cool and I want to read more. Thank you Bwog.
@Anonymous I don’t get it.