Shout out to all of you taking Lit Hum and CC tests today. Good luck! You can do it.
Bwogline: Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce. (iTunes, LATimes, YouTube, BuzzFeed, Beyonce, True Love all to the tune of Versace)
Finals Tip: If it’s consumed in the library/within two hours of a final/out of a ramen cup, it has no calories.
Procrastinate: In case you’ve been trying to decide if B-School is worth your time and money (if you’re not gonna watch the whole thing, at least skip to 4:35 for some hate watching):
Overheard: On the walkie talkie of the guy cleaning Hamilton:
“The entire girl’s basketball team is sleeping in their locker room. What should I do?”
@alum Yo Business School Fuckers. Last time I checked, the CBS admit rate was 16%. CC was 7.4%. Oh yea, and a bunch of your professors helped fuck over the economy a few years ago. So stop being such elitist fucktards. You have nothing to be proud of.
@Racism “Oh my god! I just murdered a student!”
“Aw, don’t worry about that. He was just black.”
@CC 14 Once again proving that the B school students are the only ones around here with free time.
@Anonymous video is horrible. shame to all of b-school. But that comment about the women’s basketball team tho: hilarious.
@the video was cute but then they had to go and ruin it with the undergrad hate.
i WANTED to like it guys, i really did.
@Anonymous this video is the best thing I’ve watched all week