The Oscars were last night. People won. Other people lost. Mad Max: Fury Road reminded everyone that it’s insanely good. Chris Rock said some offensive things. A familiar meme died to thunderous applause. (USA Today, Entertainment Weekly, Vanity Fair)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is redesigning its signage. This might not seem like news, but for the people who have misunderstood the museum’s “recommended admission” (now to be relabeled “suggested admission”) policy, it could provide motivation to actually visit. (Of course, this is a moot point for all CU students; we get in for free.) (Quartz)
Donald Trump made another mistake yesterday by claiming in an interview that he “didn’t know enough to disavow former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke,” even after the interviewer asked him repeatedly if he would distance himself from the group. We’re not sure whether the fault here is in the hands of Trump or the American education system. (CNN)
People with no impending midterms to worry about (or perhaps too many impending midterms to worry about) are causing a stir over this mysterious photo an Australian woman found behind one of the walls of her home. The photo, which depicts a happy young couple, was accompanied by a bottle of “Charlotte” perfume, which only heightens the mystery.
We don’t know what to think anymore via erloteiel from Dallas, TX – I can’t believe I’d think it’s butter, CC BY 2.0,