That time Deantini got lost is old news, but we’re a little worried about how he’s going to react to the newest additions to campus. We’re not naming names, but will the Giant Screens prove to be too disorienting for those who are navigationally-challenged? Are the Screens even going to have maps? What did Deantini do today without the presence of the maps? Does anyone know where Deantini is right now? Will the Screens produce a glare, therefore accidentally blinding all wearers of glasses (like James Valentini)?!
For your reference, here is a side-by-side comparison of the classic maps and their evil machine replacements:
- We’re glad he found his way.
- The glare!
This is troubling.
Deantini at his finest via Mason Amelotte
Problematic new screens via Kevin Chen
@Lost? Why isn’t there something about his responses to tragedies
@Dirk Why should there be?
@Anonymous Bwog can’t spend their time reacting to every controversy that Spec manufactures out of nowhere