April Fools at GSSC!

April Fools at GSSC!

GSSC isn’t afraid to have a little fun…but that doesn’t always result in a balanced budget. Winsome Wednesday contributor Romane Thomas reports back on the goings-on at GSSC, from poorly Photoshopped images and website redesigns to frisbee games and Gala drama.

Last night, General Studies Student Council (GSSC) started off celebrating April Fools by putting up a beautifully photo shopped photograph of its e-board members as anime characters. However, having a laugh did not stop GSSC from discussing important (?) topics like the Henry Moore statue and Gala updates.

President Elizabeth Heyman started the meeting off by showing her enthusiasm at a “very well attended council meeting.” She reminded the council that elections were coming up next week and that the “intent to run” form was due by 11:59 pm on Thursday night. In addition, VP of Finance Dalitso Nkhoma announced that the GSSC would subsidize campaigns for e-board candidates starting with this upcoming election.

President Heyman followed by opening the floor to comments about the controversial Henry Moore statue. Assessing the situation, she stated with a smile: “A lot of people are upset, a lot of people don’t care, a lot of people are happy.” Approached by the Columbia College Student Council, the GSSC was asked to sign the resolution against the statue. While some council members advocated against GSSC’s involvement in the resolution, others pointed out that students had legitimate concerns. VP of Policy Mike Neier explained that the statue is “very big and sharp” and could constitute a security issue to “people who play soccer on that field.” Elizabeth Heyman suggested that they send out an official survey to the GS student body to gauge the feelings of the student body.

VP of Campus Life Dennis Zhao announced that unfortunately, this year, “the Gala will be 4,000 over budget.” He explained that this was mainly due to expenses linked to insurance for the performers. He said that in the future, the social chair and finance would communicate more thoroughly to avoid this issue.

VP of Communication Jade Le-Cascarino updated the council on the development of the website. Although the content is in the process of being completed, Le Cacarino asked council members to send in pictures of any event organized in the context of GGSC. She also showed the council the Snapchat filter designed for Gala’s theme (fire and ice) and reminded the council that “columbiagssc is our Snapchat!”

Before announcing events for the month, President Elizabeth Heyman stated that she had felt truly privileged to work with this year’s council and that “in my three years on council I have never worked with such a cohesive team.” She congratulated the council on its work this year and said that the deans were impressed with their achievements.

Other updates:

  • A Barnard/GS Frisbee game is organized on April 22 in the afternoon. Experience not needed!
  • GS faculty appreciation day will take place on April 15 but may be moved to April 22 if more faculty is able to show on that date.
  • A DDOF sports extravaganza is organized on April 22 on campus. Separate stations will be installed all over campus, each dedicated to a specific activity. Food and merchandise (including headbands!) will be available at the event.
  • On April 21 a first class reunion is taking place in front of Lewisohn Hall from 12 to 2 pm.
  • The first year and senior luncheon is happening on Friday in the GS Lounge. Bring your friends!
  • Tonight, a dinner discussion promoted by GS alumni on the subject of careers around psychology will take place from 6:00 to 7:30 pm in the Alumni Center.

Hi-jinks courtesy of Bwog Staff