With the weather getting too cold too fast and midterms hitting you like a truck, it’s understandable if you’re having a hard time staying motivated for the whole week left before Fall Break. First Year Bwogger Elana Rebitzer is here with some ideas to occupy your mind during classes when you literally cannot focus for another second.
Since Halloween is on a Monday night this year, you’ll have to come up with at least 2 or 3 amazing costumes – 1 for the actual day, and the rest for the many pre-halloween parties you’ll be dragged to this weekend, and the only thing worse than re-wearing an outfit two days in a row is doing it with a costume! You can waste quite a lot of class time debating whether or not your roommate will be willing to do that terrible partner pun costume you’ve always wanted to do.
Your afternoon nap.
Sometimes, being awake from the end of classes until you finally traipse home from Butler when the sun starts to rise is just too much. Power napping is the perfect way to solve this conundrum, and you can spend the entire class daydreaming about that moment when your head will finally hit your soft, cozy pillow. It totally won’t make you fall asleep during class, or cause your professor to start joking about how boring his lecture must be that someone is sleeping in the front row after five minutes of class.
All the homework you won’t do tonight.
Nothing makes you feel better about being productive than reminding yourself of all of the work you’re never going to accomplish! List out all of the readings, from the beginning of the semester until now, that you just never got around to. It’ll make you feel so much better to see that this lack of motivation isn’t just a new thing; it’s been happening since you first glanced at your syllabi! Bonus points if you plan out all the readings for the rest of the semester that you’re never going to do, either.
When all else fails, just remember, there are only 650,820 seconds until fall break. Now 650,819. 650,818. You’ve got this!
Classroom of Doom via CHC Game Studies