you: 1, midterms: 0
For most of us, tomorrow marks the end of midterm season! Now that our living nightmares are over, let’s pop open a bottle of champagne, and reflect on the types of midterms that we’ve encountered this season. Here, Bwogger Alex Tang documents the different types of midterms you may have taken recently.
The Anti-Midterm
Open book? Take-home exam? This is the “too-good-to-be-true” midterm that you’re lucky to have been blessed with this semester. Go ahead and get those eight hours of sleep, you lucky bastard. Your professor is a saint.
Stress level while preparing for the midterm: 2
Stress level while taking the midterm: 3
The Faker
Everyone thinks this one’s going to be a sinker. You’ve put in major hours in Butler, guzzled down countless cups of coffee, and outlined your entire textbook. You open your test booklet, hands shaking, and to your pleasant surprise, see that the questions are much easier than the ones on the practice test. This bitch faked you out.
Stress level while preparing for the midterm: 7
Stress level while taking the midterm: 3
The Silent But Deadly
This is the midterm that sneaks up on you. Sure, you haven’t gone to lecture in two months, but you already know all the material from that AP class in high school. Upon opening up your test booklet, you find living hell. The questions might as well have been written in Sanskrit. You leave the classroom feeling #shook.
Stress level while preparing for the midterm: 3
Stress level while taking the midterm: 8
The Nuclear Apocalypse
Insanity. Sleep deprivation. Soul-searching. This test doesn’t just test your knowledge of the material, it tests the fundamental assumptions you hold about yourself. At least there’ll be a curve.
Stress level while preparing for the midterm: 10
Stress level while taking the midterm: 10
No matter which of these types of midterms you encountered this semester, you’re done now! Go catch up on sleep and binge on Netflix. Treat yourself.
Image via smashthehsc.com
1 Comment
@Anonymous And the deplorable engineering faculty who gave fifty year old black market exams with no partial credit and used century old textbooks?