… to send in your crazy stories!
The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting colder, and classes are winding down. As you head off to the last meeting of that class you love (or despise), be prepared for your professors to engage in the time honored tradition of making an emotional (or eye-rollingly cheesy, depending on how you’re feeling) goodbye speech to your class, or to decide that they have better things to do altogether and simply not show up.
We want to hear what heartfelt, snarky, or simply absurd things your professors are saying and doing! Send an email to tips@bwog.com with the name of the professor, the name of the course, and the best/weirdest remarks they’ve made. If your professors know enough about Columbia to know what Bwog is, they’ll just be grateful that they’ve made it onto Bwog, regardless of how odd their quote may be. What better way for you to procrastinate studying for finals?
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