Hello dear readers! This semester, Bwog is redesigning Bwoglines, in order to make this feature more relevant to the Columbia student experience. We hope you’ll enjoy our new format!
Happening in the nation: Surprisingly, Donald Trump spent his first presidential day accusing journalists of being “the most dishonest human beings on Earth” as he insists that the media deliberately falsifying the size of the inauguration crowd. Press Secretary of the White House, Sean Spicer put this delusion in words: “This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period — both in person and around the globe.”
Happening in NYC: Yesterday, about 400,000 people showed up at the Women’s March in New York City. The Second Avenue, 42nd street, and the Fifth Avenue were packed with people protesting against the new administration.
Happening on campus: Tomorrow, CU Ballroom will be holding its winter showcase from 10 pm to 11:30 pm. For anyone who is interested in dancing or moving your body parts in general, there will also be a free beginner class on basic foxtrot and samba skills following the showcase.

Cannons is turning into a Chinese place?
Today’s Featured Video:
Cannons be gone via Mia Lindheimer