Happening in the world:  The police are still seeking seven people who may have connections to the assassination of Kim Jong-nam. Out of the 11 people that are wanted by the Malaysian police, six of them are North Korean. (The New York Times)

Happening in NYC: A man is seen netting pigeon out of New York’s street in Brooklyn. According to the NYPD, removing pigeons from the streets is illegal. (CBS New York)

Happening on campus: Columbia Taal is hosting a fundraiser at Chipotle for IRAP! On February 23rd, just say “Columbia Taal” at the counter, and part of the sales will go towards supporting the international Refugees Assistance.

Overheard: In Ferris. “Beyonce’s vagina will never be the same”

Having a shitty day? Think about the kids offstage and you will feel better about yourself. 


photo via BBC