Today is Ivy Day; get ready for buy sell memes to be flooded by tons of prospies!
Happening in the World: President Trump’s hotel company is looking into buying a second hotel in Washington, D.C. This hotel would be more affordable than the luxurious Trump International Hotel already there. (Washington Post)
Happening in NYC: On Wednesday, Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni, two allies of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, were sentenced to a year and a half and two years, respectively, in prison after they played a role in the Christie’s Bridgegate Scandal. (New York Times)
Happening on Campus: Hillel Interfaith Council and the Hindu Students Organization are putting on an interfaith event with free vegetarian/kosher Indian food and a capella! You don’t need to be Jewish or Hindu to enjoy the event, which will be from 7:30-9 in the basement of the Kraft Center.
Overheard: (re: Shakespearean times) “Did they have steriods back then?”
Bad Joke: What do you call the Association of Blood Donors? The IV League.
Thank G-d you’re already in college via WizyTaweFrancji
1 Comment
@Anonymous Columbia just came out. 5.75 % admit rate.