This bunny is happy because it’s almost Spring Break!
Happening in the World: Wikileaks released a set of documents detailing CIA operations and the extent of surveillance that the CIA can employ. The source of these leaks is still unclear. (Washington Post)
Happening in NYC: A gun-trafficking ring from Virginia was responsible for bringing 200 guns into the state of New York illegally. The group was caught when they sold the guns to an undercover detective. (New York Times)
Happening on Campus: Check out “Laughter by the Month: 20th-century American cartoon and humor magazines” from 6-9pm in Butler! It’s a panel discussion on the history of humor magazines celebrating the Rare Book & Manuscript Library’s acquisition of the collection of Steve Boss with cartoonist speakers.
Overheard: “I realized that whenever I hear someone talking about positivity it’s always about Barnard and never Columbia.”
Bad Joke: “What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?” “A carrot?”
Bunny Munching via Pixabay