Take the good memories with you.
Well Columbia, you’ve almost reached the end of another year here. Whether you had a good year or not, it’s nearly over!
Bwogline: FBI Director James Comey has been sacked by Donald Trump. Right before Comey began expanding his investigation into Trump’s ties with Russia, President Trump wrote a letter, firing Comey. The most embarrassing part: Comey found out when he was watching the news and thought it was a joke. Ouch. (NY Times)
Study Tip: Alright Columbia, I’ll cut the shit: you’re almost done. You’re so close. If you’re still at school, struggling to memorize random facts or frantically packing to catch your plane, do what you need to do to get it all done. Bwog believes in you, Alma believes in you, so getting your life together must be possible! Just think about lying on a beach somewhere this summer, or hanging out with old friends. It will push you to the end.
Music: Here’s a playlist of songs to end your year off right!
Procrastination Tip: At this point, procrastination would just mean sleeping longer. Set like 15 alarm clocks, rise and grind, get your finals done, and get ready for the summer!
Overseen: Rando in ref giving out free 5 hour energy drinks. Was rewarded with a “fuck spec” sticker in return.
Image via Bwogger Victoria Arancio