Honour this beautiful bisexual man
LGBTQ @ Columbia honours the 20th anniversary of the Stephen Donaldson Lounge tonight with their Fall Open House at the grand opening of the new Stephen Donaldson Lounge. The open house and grand opening is from 6-8pm on the ground floor of Schapiro Hall.
In 1967, Stephen Donaldson (CC’70) founded the Student Homophile League (SHL), now the Columbia Queer Alliance. It was the world’s first LGBTQ student group. Following Donaldson’s death from AIDs-related complications in 1996, the Student Gay Lounge in Furnald Hall was renamed the Stephen Donaldson Lounge in his memory.
Students, faculty, staff, and alumni are all encouraged to attend tonight’s open house and grand opening. Light food and refreshments will be provided. Register to the event and show support for Columbia’s LGBTQ community by coming along!
Donny boy via Tom Cahill via Ellen Spertus