I wonder if this is why the McBain fire alarms are always going off…
Tired of straight vodka chugged from the bottle because midterm season is stressful, oh so stressful, oh god why did I ever sign up for these classes? Well then, we’ve got the recipes for you. All you need to do is BYOB and swipe ingredients with the help of your swipe!
Cape Cod, or “I stole this watered down vodka from a frat and want to seem fancy”
● Your choice of vodka
● Cranberry juice stolen from Ferris (when it hasn’t been replaced by another apple juice dispenser)
Cuba Libre, or “I don’t want to call it a ‘rum and coke’ because I want to seem cultured”
● Light rum
● Coca Cola acquired from the John Jay drink dispensers
Screwdriver, or “I couldn’t afford a mimosa”
● Vodka
● JJ’s orange juice (with pulp) or a bottle grabbed amongst your 4 afforded snacks
Sangria, or “A food blogger told me to use ‘bold, fruity, dry Spanish wine’ for this and I don’t know what that means”
● Red, red wine
● John Jay apples and oranges
● Cane sugar from John Jay
“Anything is better than Beta’s” or Jungle Juice
● John Jay oranges
● Ferris grapefuits
● Mangos picked from the Ferris salads
● Flavored rum
● Sprite from virtually any dining hall (Ferris coffee cups are biggest though)
Daiquiri, or “Getting drunk on Low Beach to distract myself from the fact that this school is Hell frozen over”
● Your choice of JJ’s slushie (strawberry-banana & mango, preferable)
● Flavored rum
Use John Jay ice for the best experience!